Monday, June 28, 2010

The Beginning- Packing Sucks!

Moving is far easier when you are not responsible for it! When I was a kid people would come into our house and pack all our stuff for us. When we got to wherever we were going there would be people there to unload and unpack for us as well. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way anymore!
Over the past few weeks I have been collecting and packing things up and...well I'm over it now! With only a few days until the first of July and just over a month until I actually leave time is ticking and there is still plenty to do.
I recently accepted a position teaching in a community called Aupaluk in Nunavik on Ungava Bay. There have been mixed reactions to my decision to move; some think I'm crazy, some envy the opportunity. After all this packing I wonder why I have chosen to move yet again! Ok not really... to be honest I am anxious to get back into the classroom and experience yet another culture.
Usually I record my adventures in a journal, but I thought it would be easier to share with my family and friends via blog... so I hope you all enjoy following my adventures as much as I hope I enjoy them!
And so begins Kelly's Adventures in the Great White North!... as soon as I am packed anyway!