Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shoe Separation Anxiety...

Only four more days and I will be on my way! The bag is packed for the most part, when you can only bring one 20kg bag it fills up fairly quickly! The boxes were picked up almost two weeks ago so I have no choice but to go now.

Today I am suffering from the early signs of Shoe Separation Anxiety! You know you have SSA because you keep taking shoes out of the closet and trying to find ways they may fit in your suitcase or reason with yourself (or others if present) how they would be sensible even if your reasoning is a complete lie. For example I tried to pack my purple suede boots with the flower because I swear they are warm and sensible fall footwear! Well they are comfortable... as long as you are inside and don't have to stand for too long....

Yesterday after I went through my closet and packed only my running shoes, black flats, and purple slippers I realised the full impact of this move. I know realistically that red wedge heels have no place where I am going but that doesn't mean I feel less regret for leaving them behind.

My only comfort is knowing that in a few months I could buy a few more pairs to keep them company!

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