Friday, November 12, 2010

Wishing I had Ruby Red Slippers

Today was an OK day. We had a ped day so we had no students which makes for a nice change of pace and atmosphere in the school. Not that we didn't work hard, I got all my report cards finished and worked on planning some fun for the upcoming Christmas holidays!

The problem with quiet days are that you have more time to think... and boy did I do some thinking! I have been up here in the middle of nowhere, almost another planet, since August now. I'm tired and I'm anxious to go home.

On my classroom whiteboard is a count down to the number of school days we have left until Christmas holidays start (26 teaching days). As of today it is 40 sleeps, 5.5 weeks, 3 pay days, or however you want to count it until I am on my way home! I have never been so anxious to see home before.

These are just some of the things i miss in no particular order:
- Trees- in 2nd year university when I took Environmental Science I wished they didn't exist... I take it back now... you have no idea what it is to live without them!
- Going out- anywhere and I mean ANYWHERE! I want to go to a grocery store, the mall (even the West End Pembroke Mall!), for coffee.... oh to go where you can order something or buy something and not know everyone!
- Coffee- A joy in my life has always been going for coffee
- Restaurants- as an army brat I've never been a lover of eating out. But when you have nowhere to go you miss the idea of "I don't feel like cooking lets go out"
- Home Cooked Meals- OK I miss this everywhere I go. When you have parents like mine you dream of homemade suppers when you're away!
- Having a social drink in a public place- I would like a Tom Collins and a good dancing night with my girls!
- Seeing the people I love- you know who you are and I miss you every day
- Choosing to stay in... because here it isn't a choice!
- Being there for the people you love when they need you... because that is so important! At times like these I wish I could be home because nothing makes you feel more helpless then being too far away to be really supportive when you know someone you love needs it!

It is in my nature to count down to the next big holiday, or the next big event... maybe this is why I became a teacher because our lives are so artificially dissected. However, never have I looked so forward to going home as I do now!

Here is to hoping the next few weeks go quickly and smoothly because tonight I wish I had ruby red slippers, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home."

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