Thursday, October 28, 2010

This was my day!

My day today can be summed up in 3 "conversations":

On prep in my classroom, Tommy runs (and I mean runs) into my room.
"Kelly you have ghosts!" (will post pictures of my door for Halloween later)
"Yes Tommy I do, and you should be in Inuttiut class"
"Kelly, Your eyes is green!"
"Yes Tommy they are green"
"Kelly you are a zombie!"
And he runs away...

Later while carving a pumpkin with my students (for the record never making that mistake again)
"Kelly this stuff is eww"
"Yes the pumpkin guts are squishy Juana"
"Kelly look!" students point at Aloupa
He has chewed the seeds and has a mouth FULL of pumpkin insides drooling out of his mouth!

While on recess duty...
"Kelly Kelly Kelly!"
"Yes Mickey?"
"Thank you Mickey I've been waiting to hear that all day!"

Enough said!

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