Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sunshine and a Pizza Party!

I am always amazed at how different each day is here in the North. In fact I can leave school at lunch having had a terrible morning and return after lunch to a suprisingly good afternoon, or just the opposite. I am learning to not be stuck on my expectations.

Yesterday morning I arrived at school in a suprisingly good mood (I guess any friday is better than a monday). I decided the night before that I am going to try meditation with my kids. I know they don't do well with new things and they can be a little difficult but I decided it was worth a try. They act out at school a lot because they don't have any coping strategies for what they experience in their daily lives. I think if they have the ability to take control of their feelings and the power to leave a situation (even if it is only in their mind) and find a safe space they would be better for it. The meditation went better than I had allowed myself to expect. I had only 2 of my kids, and in the beginning there was a lot of fidgeting but after a short time they stopped and they relaxed so much that when it was finished they were asleep! I'm going to do it regularly now I think. It takes time out of a busy day but reality is that I will never get through all the curriculum when dealing with kids who can't focus because they didn't sleep, they are hungry, they have been abused in any and all ways we don't want to imagine so why not take the time to teach them a skill that may help them in their reality.

After lunch we had a pizza party. We had made the dough in the morning and let it rise. After lunch we finished it off and during this things seemed to fall apart. Juana decided that she had a headache and would not even help anymore. I'm never sure if she really does feel sick or if she just wants to go home and since there is nothing I can do to stop her and she doesn't have a phone at home to call her parents I have to let her go. That left me with Willie so we started to watch the rest of the movie from thursday and just as the pizza was finished Jobie and Eric came in late. Now, the pizza party was for only students who had earned 10 stars or more.... Jobie has one. But, being the day it was I had nowhere else for him to go so he got to come to the class and eat pizza too.

Yesterday was our first day with sunshine in.... oh I can't even remember! After work Alex and I went for a lovely walk in the sunshine. You don't realize how much we need the sun and how much a beautiful day can improve your mood until you haven't seen the sun in a while! To our great suprise and appreciation the sun was out again today! Despite the cold we went for a walk to the lake and had a picnic. It was a lovely day and a good way to destress from a crazy week in Aupaluk. Thanks Alexandra for a long walk and a long talk!

Now I am hoping the next week is better and the time goes quickly here because I am missing everyone at home so very much.

Bunches of Love

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